What we choose to eat is a significant determinant of our personal health and the future of our planet.
The increasing demand for animal-derived products is an ongoing cause of deforestation in New Zealand and globally, which in turn leads to poor soil, desertification, degraded water quality, loss of biodiversity including wildlife, destruction of reefs, the release of carbon and reduced capacity to capture carbon, increase in global temperature AND affects our personal health.
The Native Forest Restoration Trust is dedicated to protecting and restoring New Zealand’s native forests and wetlands. Not just for today, but for generations to come. The trust has acquired land to promote the regeneration of forests, protect important species and restore their habitats, and to improve the quality of our waterways. So far it has purchased and protected well over 7,000 hectares of native forests and wetlands throughout New Zealand. Whilst this may pale in comparison to the 12.4 million hectares (APS 2009) used for livestock agriculture, it is a step in the right direction to reversing some of this damage and rehabilitating our land. Trees are vital to planetary and personal health.
The Lentil Intervention’s co-founder Ben Eitelberg is undertaking his biggest sporting challenge to date, the Tarawera Ultramarathon 100 miler in February 2021, in what he often refers to as “our playground”. Along with some of his own plant-powered athletes, the training they undertake is on trails that traverse forests, wetlands, reserves and mountains, alongside our rivers, lakes and oceans, the very same areas that are either being destroyed or protected. Over the remaining months leading up, content will be created via social media to create awareness of our environment, whilst encouraging you to donate to this important charity organisation.
Please note that all views expressed in this Givealittle fundraiser are those of The Lentil Intervention. The Native Forest Restoration Trust is our nominated charity recipient.
2021 Appeal
In the lead up to the Tarawera Ultramarathon 100 miler 2021, we are delighted to have coordinated the fundraising of $1,000. A big thank you to everyone that contributed!
100% of all proceeds were forwarded straight onto the Native Forest Restoration Trust.